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No matter which industry you work for, you need to serve your customers with an easy-to-use, clean and attractive website. After reading this post, you know-how creating a good ecommerce UX transcends the boundaries of your website.

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The goal of an online store is to make money. When you increase average order value, you get more money from each transaction making your store more beneficial. Average order value is the average dollar amount a consumer spends when placing an order on your store.

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The process of retargeting a customer can start in various places, from your website to their inbox. Email retargeting works similarly: That targeting code stays within an email that you send to your subscriber, who will then be served ads about your business,

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This blog post walks you through how to make it happen — making your designs and bringing in sales. What is great about selling posters is that this business doesn’t require deep product knowledge and modern technology to enable you to automate all the processes.

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Cart abandonment is a pressing challenge for online marketers. You’re running a successful ecommerce store. You’ve figured out your ecommerce platform, organized your marketing, got a good level of traffic, and are sending regular emails to keep in touch with your customers.

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Learn about the things to consider while choosing a business name for your online store. With a good name your e-commerce business can be the next brand. This will help you choose a short, pronounceable, memorable name that will let you stand out from the competition.

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Is your marketing connecting with your customers? Are you treating them like genuine, live people and not simply order numbers? To create truly effective marketing strategies, you need buyer personas. you need basic data that gives them a shape, however,

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If you are a social media junkie, you might have come across many sponsored ads on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Top brands such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Starbucks have been using Instagram to market their business and inspire millions on the go.

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In addition to the difficulties of finding the right person, it’s additionally expensive to expand your team. Some estimates put the cost of hiring a new employee around $4,000 — which makes sense when you consider the time you spend looking, the cost related to another hire,

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Over the last few years, many retailers have enrolled themselves in online marketplaces like Flipkart. On one hand, the digital space gives these sellers a chance to reach out to thousands of customers across the country,

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