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No matter what business you’re in, you probably have some insight from things you’ve learned along the way in your entrepreneurial journey. That knowledge is valuable — and it can be put to good use when transformed into a valuable asset for your audience — like an e-book.

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Builderfly is an all-in-one ecommerce platform that boosts the scalability of businesses in the market. It is a complete package that includes a comprehensive online store and a customizable native mobile app. It allows you to sell your products online and manage your store with the utmost ease.

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Everybody out there is vying to get your time and attention to sell you something you might not want! If you have a newsletter that’s suffering from low opt-in rates, you need to put yourself in your audience’s shoes and realize this. You’re buying someone else’s time with your newsletter content

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Builderfly is a leading ecommerce platform that offers the power of complete customization. You can customize your Builderfly store in your way to best define your business as well as your brand. Builderfly helps you in creating a gorgeous online store as well as native iOS and Android mobile

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The ecommerce industry is a wide-open market. Recent advances in technology have removed many barriers to entry into the digital marketplace, and just about anyone can launch their own web store. But this coin has another side. Accessibility of the market has led to a flood of new online retailers

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Flipkart is actively promoting sales on the website by providing additional offers exclusively for sales that take place through the app & website. By taking part in these Flipkart sales, your products will be more visible. Flipkart helps to mobilize your sales through television commercials,

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Working in the world of ecommerce has its limitations, and part of your responsibilities as an online store owner is to overcome them. One such constraint revolves around the basic fact that a shopper doesn’t get to physically look at, or feel a product before making a purchase.

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Create your own e-commerce mobile app using Builderfly app builder platform. You can get your own mobile application with AI powered. Such an app will be developed under your own brand and published in the Google Play and Apple App Store.

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Text is a useful tool for ecommerce businesses to reach out to their customers. With more than 95% of Americans owning a cell phone of different kinds and 77% owning a smartphone, the text is one of the most practical ways to reach customers where they are.

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Online reviews matter to us, and they matter to our consumers. Nobody desire to spend money or valuable time on something that is going to result in an awful experience. Not when they might have the option to stop it. Customer review helps facilitate the minds of consumers and persuades them

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