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I made a Gazebo....its not finished yet. I still have more texturing to do and some other bits and pieces :)

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5 похожих стикеров

hotelscyprus78 12 лет назад

Cyprus will be a centre for Medical tourism shortly. More than 50% of the private medical centers have overseas patients. This is a good sign to develop Cyprus not only in tourism but also in Medical tourism. Most of the patients from other countries find Cyprus is good quality, healthy, cheap.

Tara 12 лет назад

My Baby Dragoncow.....I made in Cinema4D again with some Poser content :]

I love this one....I am going to make some more of him.

anonymous 12 лет назад

Very interesting, cute rugs, hand made and not expensive!

anonymous 12 лет назад

please put some good and use ful products. the products avaible at this website is not worth it

Tara 12 лет назад

Something I made today....used Cinema4D and some Poser content. Most textures and all lighting done in C4D :] A few mistakes Im noticing now :( Oh well :P

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