Rating: 25.60
Do you believe in love at first sight...or do I have to walk by again?
For a Happy Easter Basket, remember... an egg to bunny ratio, of 4 to 1 is crucial! ...(lol)
14 years agoВышел зайчик на крыльцо,
Почесать своё яйцо,
Сунул лапу - нет яйца,
Так и ёбнулся с крыльца!
Released rabbit on the porch,
Scratch their testicles,
He put his paw - no eggs,
And so it fell off the porch!
Minds are like Parachutes... they work best when open.
14 years agoЗаставь дурака Богу молиться - он и лоб расшибёт!
Make a fool to pray to God - they hurt his forehead!
A successful Cowboy is one who earns more money than his gal can spend.
14 years agoДеньги - это зло! Когда заходишь в магазин - зла не хватает...
Money - it is evil! When you come into the store - not evil enough ...
Today's Top Secret message is:............................................
(spy ring recommended)
14 years agoЧто написано пером - не вырубишь топором!
What is written with a pen - not cut with an ax!
Back to work... Happy Monday everyone!
I don't go to the gym. My philosophy is: No pain. No pain. (lol)
”Life is not fair.” …I heard that on the radio today.
14 years agoЖизнь прожить - не поле перейти...
To live your life - do not pass a meadow ...
I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode.
14 years agoЛюбовь зла, полюбишь и козла!
Love is evil, love and a goat!