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German Pinschers should be involved in all activities of the family— having them housed outside the house is not a great idea. In addition, they do not like to be forgotten when their owners are busy. Click here to learn more.

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Obesity In Cats

Cats that are obese can have diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, joint and bone problems, urinary disease, and other complications. It is important to keep your cat's weight normal and monitor the amount and quality of food she eats every day. Click here to learn more.

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Caring For Pet Rats And Mice

They are diligent in grooming themselves and one another. Yes, they do that. Some are like cats that groom their fellow mice or rats. Read here for more info.

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Cat Breed: California Spangled

Designed to look like a wild cat, the California Spangled is a combination of many breeds, including Abyssinian, Manx, British Shorthair, Angora, American Shorthair, and Siamese. Read more here.

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Signs Of Dental Issues In Cats

Our feline pals are very clean, which is one thing we love about them. However, if Fluffy’s mouth hurts, she’ll have a hard time grooming herself. It won’t take long for her fur to start looking rough and unkempt. Read more here.

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Interesting Golden Retriever Facts

Aside from the above-mentioned details about Golden Retrievers, here are more interesting tidbits about this dog breed: Click here to learn more.

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Black And White Cat Breeds

Some of them have short hair, while others have long fluffy hair. Cats with black and white patterns on their coat also belong to this group. The prints actually look almost the same as other cats. Click here to learn more.

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Highlights Of The Breed: Neapolitan Mastiffs

Neopolitan Mastiffs thrive in households with yards. Nevertheless, they are generally calm inside the house and can adjust to apartment or condo life, provided that it's large enough to let them sprawl. Click here to learn more.

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Highlights Of The Breed: Neapolitan Mastiffs

Neopolitan Mastiffs thrive in households with yards. Nevertheless, they are generally calm inside the house and can adjust to apartment or condo life, provided that it's large enough to let them sprawl. Click here to learn more.

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What Are Tortoiseshell Cats?

Like calico cats, tortoiseshell cats are usually female, as the gene responsible for the tortoiseshell coat pattern is linked to the X chromosome. Click here to learn more.


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