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Карма: 0.00

Organic Cardamom Powder 8 oz
Our cardamom powder is made using 100% pure natural herbs obtained from organic farms. All our products are chemical-free. We use herbs that are hygienic to your health

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Organic Cardamom Powder 4 oz
Cardamom is an ancient herb that is called the queen of spices for its medicinal and flavoring benefits. The consumption of our cardamom can help you to have relaxed breathing and also freshens your breath. It promotes immune health, boosts metabolism.

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Organic Mace Powder 16 oz
Mace powder is the spicy-sweet spice made from the thin layer of bright red or lace-like aril covering the nutmeg core. It offers a delicate version of the warm, spicy flavor of nutmeg. Mace is roasted with other whole spices then ground and added to curries.

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Organic Mace Powder 8 oz
Our mace powder is made using 100% pure natural herbs obtained from organic farms. All our products are chemical-free and no additives are added. We use herbs that are hygienic to your health. It is an excellent addition to juices, sauces, and many culinary dishes.

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Organic Mace Powder 4 oz
Mace powder is the spicy-sweet spice made from the thin layer of bright red or lace-like aril covering the nutmeg core. It offers a delicate version of the warm, spicy flavor of nutmeg. Mace is roasted with other whole spices then ground and added to curries.

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Organic Black Pepper 16 oz
Black pepper is native to southern India and is used in most savory dishes. It has a sharp, spicy, and pungent flavor. It is paired with salt, combined well with garlic, onion, and other herbs. It is the perfect complement to your soups, stews, and other dishes.

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Organic Black Pepper 8 oz
Black pepper is native to southern India and is used in most savory dishes. It has a sharp, spicy, and pungent flavor. It is paired with salt, combined well with garlic, onion, and other herbs. It is the perfect complement to your soups, stews, and other dishes.

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Organic Black Pepper 4 oz
Black pepper is native to southern India and is used in most savory dishes. It has a sharp, spicy, and pungent flavor. It is paired with salt, combined well with garlic, onion, and other herbs. It is the perfect complement to your soups, stews, and other dishes.

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Organic Fenugreek Seeds 16 oz
Fenugreek seeds are an abundant source of vitamins A, B, and D. Also, these seeds are rich in choline, iron, and fiber. The consumption of fenugreek seed supports proper digestion and also helps in improving body metabolism.

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Organic Fenugreek Seeds 8oz
Fenugreek seeds are commonly used in North Africa, Middle Eastern, and Indian cuisines for their distinctively sweet, nutty taste. It supports proper digestion and also helps in improving body metabolism.

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