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Organic Mace Powder 16 oz
Mace powder is the spicy-sweet spice made from the thin layer of bright red or lace-like aril covering the nutmeg core. It offers a delicate version of the warm, spicy flavor of nutmeg. Mace is roasted with other whole spices then ground and added to curries.

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Organic Mace Powder 4 oz
Mace powder is the spicy-sweet spice made from the thin layer of bright red or lace-like aril covering the nutmeg core. It offers a delicate version of the warm, spicy flavor of nutmeg. Mace is roasted with other whole spices then ground and added to curries.

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SPICY ORGANIC Mace Powder - 100% Pure USDA Certified Organic
Mace, the lacy membrane covering the nutmeg seed, has its own distinctive flavor and aroma. It is spicy but at the same time more delicate and subtler than nutmeg. The reddish-orange mace, when dried, turns a deeper hue and the powder

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