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Kavach, the Indian technology that can prevent two trains from colliding
Recently, the Indian Railways tested 'Kavach'-Automatic Train Protection System by making two trains move towards each other at full speed.-IAS SCORE

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Chile Creates National Park to save Glaciers
Chile recently created a vast national park to protect hundreds of glaciers that are melting owing to climate change.-IAS SCORE

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E-Bill portal launched by the Government.
FM launched the electronic bill (e-Bill) processing system as part of ease of doing business and Digital India eco-system.-IAS SCORE

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Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019 (GRAM)
Recently, a report titled, “Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019 (GRAM)” has been published.-IAS SCORE

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5 Rules for deputation of DIGs
The Centre has issued a new order on central deputation of Deputy Inspector General-level IPS officers.-IAS SCORE

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Recently at fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) in Nairobi countries have agreed to end plastic pollution and formulate an internationally binding treaty by 2024.

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