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A postal cover to honour the vanishing Cholanaikkan tribe
The Postal department will honour the primitive tribe by releasing a special cover in association with the Forest and Wildlife department.-IAS SCORE

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Par Tapi Narmada river-linking project & why are tribals in Gujarat protesting against it
The tribals in Gujarat will recently hold a public meeting in Kaprada in Valsad district to protest against the Centre’s Par Tapi Narmada river-linking project.-IAS SCORE

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World Happiness Report 2022 released
The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network has recently released the World Happiness Report 2022.-IAS SCORE

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Countries bet big on nuclear energy to explore deep space
From fuel to outer space power plants, the world is developing different usages of nuclear energy to explore space.-IAS SCORE

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India's Take On UN's 'International Day To Combat Islamophobia' Resolution
Recently, the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution, introduced by the Pakistan envoy, to proclaim March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia.-IAS SCORE

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SMILE-Support for Marginalised Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprise
Recently, Rs 265 crore allotted for rehabilitation, welfare of transgender. -IAS SCORE

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