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What revoking Russia’s ‘most favoured nation’ status means.
The United States, the European Union, Britain, Canada and Japan are considering revoking Russia's "most favoured nation" (MFN) status over its invasion of Ukraine.-IAS SCORE

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Green sea turtle found on shores of Tarkarli in Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra.
Recently, a Green sea turtle has been found on the shores of Tarkarli in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. -IAS SCORE

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Shutdown this misguided energy policy.
Nuclear technology is hazardous. The world was reminded of this on March 3, when a fire broke out near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine (Europe’s largest) during the course of a military battle. -IAS SCORE

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New Lunar Crater.
Recently, a leftover piece of a spacecraft flying (of Chang'e 5-T1 – a lunar mission of China) through space reportedly hit the surface of the moon creating a new crater that may be around 65 feet wide.-IAS SCORE

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Kudankulam Village Panchayat adopts resolution against ‘Away From Reactor’ (AFR) facility.
The construction of the ‘Away From Reactor’ (AFR) facility at the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) site for storing nuclear waste.-IAS SCORE

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Government Appoints Ex-finance Secretary Ajay Bhushan Pandey as NFRA Chief
The government has appointed former finance secretary Ajay Bhushan Pandey as chairman of the National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) for a period of three years. -IAS SCORE

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Current Account Deficit.
Morgan Stanley has cut India’s GDP growth estimate by 50 basis points to 7.9 percent and raised the retail (CPI) inflation forecast to 6 per cent.-IAS SCORE

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Project to link Tapi, Par, Narmada opposed by tribals in South Gujarat
Tribals in South Gujarat took out a rally in Vaghai taluka of Dang district in protest against the Centre’s Tapi-Par-Narmada link project fearing displacement from their homes and farmlands.-IASSCORE

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