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Essential vitamins such as vitamin B12 and folate are vital for the body's cell growth and DNA synthesis. In this article, we’ll discuss their role in DNA synthesis.

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A Complete Blood Count (aka CBC) test is one of the most important blood tests for kids. Paediatricians use this type of blood test regularly to diagnose illness.

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This article explains what role vitamin B12 plays in improving your energy levels and overall health. Visit Intrigue Health for injections of Vitamin B12 in Medway.

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Learn how to prevent and control the spread of chickenpox. Get your chickenpox vaccine today at Intrigue Health’s Travel Clinic in Kent to prevent chickenpox.

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Don't believe everything you hear! Learn the truth about ear wax removal as we debunk common myths regarding ear health. Get the facts about ear health right here.

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Is high cholesterol normal during pregnancy? Yes. Cholesterol levels naturally rise because your body is producing more cholesterol due to hormonal changes.

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The importance of blood tests for cardiovascular health and risk assessment shouldn’t be underestimated. For private blood testing in Medway, visit Intrigue Health.

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