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Making the first sales on the ecommerce store is as significant as it is inevitable. It may seem to be a simple task. However, let us break the bubble; getting the first customers to your ecommerce store can sometimes be long and backbreaking.

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Selling online has aided many businesses to become viable and profitable. It presents a huge scope for ecommerce businesses that helps people to conveniently shop online through virtual shops. Selling online helps ecommerce businesses of all size to reach a wider set of audience.

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In a nutshell, converting your unilingual website into a multilingual one is corresponding to taking your business to the international stage. If you have the right tools and are aware of the rules and regulations to sell in different nations, you can master your international sales like a pro.

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Search engine optimization is a process of making web pages search engine friendly by applying the various guidelines provided for webmasters. Professionals perform activities on the pages which have to be ranked (on-page activities) and also beyond the website (off-page activities. The product page

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KPIs or Key Performance Indicators measure the performance of any given thing. Talking about ecommerce businesses, KPIs help ecommerce website/ store owners, marketing managers, and webmasters to determine whether the site/store is successful, and if not, how to improvise it for better revenue.

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You do not have to be an expert to understand and acknowledge the revolution brought by ecommerce in the retail world. Ecommerce plays a vital role in our everyday lives. Moreover, it is redefining commercial activities across the globe. Over time, ecommerce has unfolded in profound ways. Whether

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Assume that you get insights into your store well in advance to understand the issues even before the customers point it out to the customer support team. As an online seller, not only would these data help your business grow, but also help you draft your marketing strategies, determine the best

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Referral marketing programs are known to be one of the most effective ways to develop your ecommerce business. With the right use of your existing customers and loved ones, you can multiply your sales as well as customer base into infinite folds. Your monetary investments in implementing a referral

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Nina Lekhi, Founder of Baggit: Nina’s creative mind and enthusiasm for bags and colours led her to create one of India’s most popular brands ‘Baggit.’ The idea of the brand is to create ‘bags with attitude.’ With the right attitude, colours, fashion, and bags she is able to make her empire in

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Rashi Jha, Footwear Shop Owner - When I discovered Builderfly, I thought it would be like every other platform that promotes people to sell online but has a complicated registration process. But in this case, they were just myths. The platform has helped me to grow my business.

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