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Присоединяйся к сети Stickr, чтобы следить за стикерами пользователя JamES и других пользователей, а также оставлять свои.


Redis is an advanced fast key-value database written in C. It can be used like memcached, in front of a traditional database, or on its own thanks to the fact that the in-memory datasets are not volatile but instead persisted on disk. One of the cool features is that you can store not only strings, but lists and sets supporting atomic operations to push/pop elements

PHP client for Redis. Zend Framework integration

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5 похожих стикеров

JamES 14 лет назад

The Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library. You can pull just what you need from a large set of reu...

Javascript framework от Google. Его использовали и в Gmail и Docs

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Google Maps Upgrade: Finding Locations With Street View Made Easy -

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История действий

  • оставил стикер 26th Nov