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The LIFO Survey is a self-reporting assessment tool that identifies the preferences of each person and allows them to operate more effectively in various optimal and adverse situations.

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Leaders are a resource for teams, not the other way around. Leaders are the ones who need to be equipped to grow, support, and develop their teams. With self-awareness, you’ll see better how you, personally and uniquely, can best serve your teams.

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The VUCA nature of the business world makes it difficult for companies to compete and survive for long. Strategic plans that plan 5 and 10 years ahead are no longer an essential component of business growth. Strategic plans are too static for the dynamic nature of the business today.

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With every distracting event, let it be the introduction of new technology or an outbreak that forces all employees to work from home, as proposed by Kubler-Ross in her book “Death and Dying” employees will go through similar stages like those described on the curve below.

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Many disruptive events are taking place today more than ever before. People in the business world need to deal with frequent changes in internal and external factors. Whether it is a new set of technology, more exposure to the digital world, the opening of new markets...

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Teamwork and collaboration are most crucial elements of a successful organization. Whether you are working in large organization or a small company you’ll need to know how to work effectively with team members.

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LIFO (Life Orientations) helps organizations to identify and leverage on their employees’ strengths and behavioral preferences by allowing individuals to control the excess utilization of their strengths, instead of attempting to change their original identity. For more information, visit LIFO!

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Reality of the World Today
“Change is the Only Constant”.
Coined by the US military after the end of cold war, VUCA - stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity - still very well describes the digital-driven world we live in today.

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LIFO (Life Orientations) is a program based on behavioral science principles that help individuals and teams to identify and improve their personal strengths & behavioral styles at work to reach their goals with minimal efforts and friction.

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LIFO Method is a practical approach that promotes positive behavioral change by providing strategies for managing strengths effectively, to achieve greater versatility and productivity.

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