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The phenomenon of coral bleaching
Great Barrier Reef in Australia has been hit by sixth coral mass bleaching. It is the 4th mass bleaching event since 2016.-IAS SCORE

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Poverty rose but income inequality fell
Poverty certainly rose during the COVID-19 pandemic. After examining the monthly data from Consumer Pyramids Household Survey 2021, it was found that extreme poverty rose from 7.6% in November 2019 to 11.7% in July 2021.-IAS SCORE

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India signs agreement to set up WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine in Gujarat
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the government of India signed an agreement to establish a WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine at Jamnagar, Gujarat.-IAS SCORE

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Successfully flight tests of Medium Range Surface to Air Missile
The DRDO conducted two successful flight tests of the Army version of Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM).-IAS SCORE

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T cell immune responses seen a year after infection
A new study from Wuhan, evaluates the protective effect of memory T cell immune responses against severe disease 12 months after primary infection.-IAS SCORE

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How mitochondria adapted to living within cells
An organism that has been around from 2 billion years ago has given biologists from Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad (CCMB), a clue as to how mitochondria became an inseparable part of animal and plant cells. -IAS SCORE

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The Artemis programme, NASA’s new moon mission
Recently NASA rolled out its Artemis I moon mission to the launch pad for testing at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, United States.-IAS SCORE

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