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Why India should enact a special law for conserving its sacred groves
India’s sacred groves are being gradually altered due to ever-expanding human populations, pollution and removal of biomass; effective conservation is the need of the hour to maintain their functional values. -IAS SCORE

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Hyderabad’s Biological E to get mRNA technology from WHO to produce Covid vaccines
Hyderabad-based vaccine manufacturer Biological E. Limited (BE) recently announced that it had been selected as a recipient of mRNA technology from the World Health Organisation (WHO) technology transfer hub-IAS SCORE

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Lok Sabha passes Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill, 2022
Lok Sabha recently passed the Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill that seeks to take measurements of convicts and other persons for purposes of identification and investigation in criminal matters.-IAS SCORE

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Making Groundwater Visible
The theme of this year’s World Water Day (March 22) was ‘Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible’. -IAS SCORE

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India’s GDP can grow to $40 trillion if working-age population gets employment: CII report - IAS SCORE

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Centre introduces Antarctica Bill in Lok Sabha
The government recently introduced the ‘Antarctica Bill’ in the Lok Sabha that envisages regulating visits and activities to Antarctica as well potential disputes that may arise among those present on the continent.-IAS SCORE

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Scientists publish first complete sequence of genome
Scientists have published the first complete, gapless sequence of a human genome, two decades after the Human Genome Project produced the first draft human genome sequence.-IAS SCORE

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Surat gets India’s first steel slag road: What is it, how is it different from regular ones?
Surat has become the first city in the country to get a processed steel slag (industrial waste) road.-IAS SCORE

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Pluto: ‘Recent’ volcanism raises puzzle — how can such a cold body power eruptions?
Scientists Discover 'Unique' Ice Volcanoes on Dwarf-Planet Pluto's Surface.-IAS SCORE

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Energy transition holds key to tackle global energy and climate crisis: IRENA
World Energy Transitions Outlook outlines priority actions till 2030 to keep 1.5

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