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Карма: 0.00

Calacatta Classic Quartz White Color with Gold Veins Quartz Slab Countertops
1. The best white quartz stone sand (No acid-washed sand)
2. high hardness 7 grade, scratch resistant
3. No color difference in the same batch of goods
4. High temperature resistant
5. Chemical resistant
6. Easy to clean

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Calacatta Classic Quartz White Color with Gold Veins Quartz Slab Countertops
1. The best white quartz stone sand (No acid-washed sand)
2. high hardness 7 grade, scratch resistant
3. No color difference in the same batch of goods
4. High temperature resistant
5. Chemical resistant
6. Easy to clean

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Calacatta Classic Quartz White Color with Gold Veins Quartz Slab Countertops
1. The best white quartz stone sand (No acid-washed sand)
2. high hardness 7 grade, scratch resistant
3. No color difference in the same batch of goods
4. High temperature resistant
5. Chemical resistant
6. Easy to clean

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Enginered White Quartz Slabs with Grey/Gold Veins B4037-1, white background with dramatic veins that range in many soft colors.

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Grey A5105 Artificial Quartz Stone Slab with White Veins Like Trees

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