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What you need to do to explore Cyprus capital?. It is a nice place which has a lot of ancient monuments and museums which will make tourists love it.

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Nicosia is one of the famous cities in Cyprus with lot of activities for tourists and travellers.Children will love water sports in Nicosia while night is for adult to take a walk along the beach and enjoy it.

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You might have heard and seen many weddings in North Cyprus and even on south as well. But might get wonder if you know the truth why Northern Cyprus is better than the South. North is calm, not flooded with tourists are some of the reasons to make your Cyprus Holidays under the foot of Kyrenia.

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When we talk about Cyprus we can't forget the wedding we attended there. You can come and wed here at Cyprus and have a great wedding of all time. There are number of reasons to wed here, the couple can have a lonely and lively romantic honeymoon. The couple can also fix an accommodation at the outs

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If you are on your Cyprus holidays, be informed of the seasons in Cyprus and best time to go there. Being a tropical island, its sunshine all through the year. As tourists come here for the sun, sand and water they will never be disappointed. Its usually hot for most part of the year.

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