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Алена: учусь, работаю, гуляю, живу ) А ты?
Илья: а если не секрет, где работаешь и учишься?
Алена: Учусь в СЮИ ФСИН, работаю в военкомате )
Илья: ой как неудачно я (

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TechCrunch: PayPal VP: Supporting Payments In The Physical World Is Critical For PayPal by @leenarao

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TechCrunch: The TechCrunch Redesign: A Copy-And-Paste Hatemail Template by @paulcarr

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TechCrunch: The iPad Was Built For Something Like StumbleUpon, Now They Have A Worthy App by @parislemon

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TechCrunch: ROAR! Apple Puts Out The Call For Devs To Submit OS X Lion Apps by @parislemon

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TechCrunch: Formspring's Marketing Moment Comes With Its First Promoted Question Of The Day by @erickschonfeld

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The first in a series of short documentaries focusing on the culture of Urban Exploring, those who risk it all to access and infiltaite closed or forgotten spaces.

Not much else to say, watch it for yourself.

Produced In Association With :

Filmed ...

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»Hitch« is our graduation project at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hannover.  
It’s about »The Ultimate Hitch Cookbook«, an animated book containing the recipes for Alfred Hitchcock’s classics. It’s made for Hitchcock enthusiasts and every other couch potato out there.



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A short film about the artistic creation.Cast: The sons of Stan Brakhage

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