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Future-proofing Leadership Strategy and Culture

No matter how well you handle the change today, you would need to build that muscle inside your organization to be future-proof any day. But how? 

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Clean Digital Design Executed Right

Great strategy but flop execution. Or vice versa. Both the gaps botch the idea of any big digital shift. Fix that with a clean digital design. Here’s how.

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Tackling Organizational Fitness Challenge

Do your costs have enough stamina? Is your talent your strongest muscle? Can you have a strict spend-diet? Take a quick fitness check for your company now.

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How to Build a Future Fluent Organization?

Excited employees, a bright tomorrow, new market opportunities – the future is calling. Is your company fluent enough to meet it? How to build this factor?

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Balancing Relevance and Sustainability in Banking

How to innovate, be relevant, be sustainable and still be great as a banking player? It’s a tough juggling act. Find out how the masters do it.

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How is the Government Preparing to Defeat Global Cyber Crime?
Global cyber-crime is a nightmare that’s growing every day. Are governments equipped to fight this beast? Would they collaborate to get stronger, and how?

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Measuring and Improving Effectiveness at Work

Is measuring productivity enough? What about effectiveness? Does it help to know what subtle traits make your workforce effective? Know why? Know how?

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Addressing the top three CISO challenges

What are the top 3 security challenges for today’s CISOs? They’re not about securing the perimeter alone, for sure. Then what are they? How tough are they?

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Arun DeSouza | CIO Talk Network

Arun DeSouza is currently Chief Information Security & Privacy Officer at Nexteer Automotive Corporation. He has extensive global IT and security leadership and organizational transformation experience including as CISO and CIO.

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