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Карма: 0.00

russellderek455 2 года назад

We are a team of cosmetic medical professionals committed to helping our patients feel confident in their skin. Everything we do is in service of that objective.

russellderek455 2 года назад

We are cosmetic & medical professionals committed to delivering high-quality treatments using the latest technologies in skin care. We promise to work closely with our patients to ensure they receive the best results possible for every treatment.

russellderek455 2 года назад

The first date, the big presentation, hanging out with friends and family, in these situations you shouldn’t be stressing about wet armpits and what people are thinking. It normally starts in the teenage years and never really improves throughout someone’s life but there are solutions.

russellderek455 2 года назад

Our laser hair removal treatments in Kelowna and Okanagan work much differently than traditional hair removal practices such as shaving and waxing.

russellderek455 2 года назад

We will soften those dynamic lines and wrinkles on your face to help you feel more confident about yourself.

russellderek455 2 года назад

Your message was sent successfully. A DermMedica team member will contact you as soon as possible.
