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yanxisingapore 2 года назад

Under the stewardship of the newly appointed Group Executive Chef, Chef Chan Wai Keung brings four decades of gastronomic excellence to the restaurant.

Address: 175A Chin Swee Road, Singapore 169879

Phone: 8858 9711

Email: hello@yanxi.com.sg

Website: https://www.yanxi.com.sg/

yanxisingapore 2 года назад

Under the stewardship of the newly appointed Group Executive Chef, Chef Chan Way Keung brings four decades of gastronomic excellence to the restaurant.

Address: 175A Chin Swee Road, Singapore 169879

Phone: 8858 9711

Email: hello@yanxi.com.sg

yanxisingapore 2 года назад

Under the stewardship of the newly appointed Group Executive Chef, Chef Chan Way Keung brings four decades of gastronomic excellence to the restaurant.

Address: 175A Chin Swee Road, Singapore 169879

Phone: 8858 9711

Email: hello@yanxi.com.sg

Website: https://www.yanxi.com.sg/

yanxisingapore 2 года назад

Under the stewardship of the newly appointed Group Executive Chef, Chef Chan Way Keung brings four decades of gastronomic excellence to the restaurant.

Address: 175A Chin Swee Road, Singapore 169879

Phone: 8858 9711

Email: hello@yanxi.com.sg

yanxisingapore 2 года назад

Address: 175A Chin Swee Road, Singapore 169879

Email: hello@yanxi.com.sg

Phone: 8858 9711

Website - https://www.yanxi.com.sg/

yanxisingapore 2 года назад

Nestled on the enchanted hill overlooking Pearl’s Hill City Park, Yanxi Dim Sum & Hotpot Restaurant ushers in a new era of Dim Sum and Hot Pot dining.

Address: 175A Chin Swee Road, Singapore 169879

Email: hello@yanxi.com.sg

Phone: 8858 9711

Website - https://www.yanxi.com.sg/
