Зачем австралийцам валенки? Угги. Вебпокупка 2010
13 лет назад''"Ugg Boots"are believed to have originated in Australia but New Zealand also claims that they were first developed there.
I would have thought they would have been used in some of the colder countries in the world originally, but apparently we used them in the first world war...(see wiki link)
'' "Ugg Boots", как считается, возникла в Австралии, но и Новая Зеландия также утверждает, что они были впервые разработаны там.
Я бы думал, что они были использованы в некоторых из холодных стран в мире изначально, но, видимо, мы использовали их в первую мировую войну 1 ... (см. вики ссылка)
13 лет назадOriginally mukluks were made of deerskin - I remember having these when I was a kid. Today they are made of sheepskin too. The only outstanding mark is fur inside and outside the boots. Ah, and of course the pompons )))http://penza.dorus.ru/photos/220636.jpg
In russian mukluks - унты (pronounced smth between unty/unti).
13 лет назадoh wow....your ones look like they are really well made....
http://www.styletalks.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/ugg-boots.gif compared to the Australian Ugg Boots.
You know, I have never owned a pair...ever. Not really my thing. Waaay to hot here. Its 39deg today :[
13 лет назаду океана холодно по вечерам. в калифорнии тоже популярны.