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Карма: 5.30

Deepak Chopra one of the most known spiritual leader is reviewing about Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi has the unique power to transform things at atomic level known as the Trivedi Effect.

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Mahendra Kumar Trivedi is the spiritual leader who has the power to transform living and non-living things at atomic level. His power is scientifically validated as well.

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Padman Pillai shares how he recovered from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) by the biofield energy healing by Mahendra Kumar Trivedi. He reported that this energy transmission cure his disease. He also find improvement in his finance.

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Wayne & Darlene shares how the biofield electric energy of Mahendra Trivedi helped Darlene to cure and recover from her Crohn's Disease. Also, after receiving the energy transmission the couple is more happy and confident in their lives.

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