
Привет! Это страница пользователя televisionman на Stickr.com

Stickr - это бесплатный сервис, позволяющий комментировать любой вебсайт и делиться любой информацией в сети Интернет, оставлять записки для себя и своих друзей, и все это с помощью одной кнопки в вашем броузере!
Присоединяйся к сети Stickr, чтобы следить за стикерами пользователя televisionman и других пользователей, а также оставлять свои.



Карма: 21.65

televisionman 12 лет назад

bookmarkg.com - social bookmarking site. sites have to be entered manually. links can only be shared with those that you personally invite.

televisionman 12 лет назад

yourversion.com - another social bookmarking site. decent; good bookmarklet.

televisionman 13 лет назад

Blinklist - The Blinklist toolbar & Google Gears doesn't work with Firefox 4; My experience with Blinklist was quite unsatisfactory.

televisionman 13 лет назад

Sharetops.com - A social bookmarking platform where users can make customizable web desktops to launch various links, games, & more.

televisionman 13 лет назад

Diigo.com - Free account allow for unlimited bookmarks but has limitations on some of its other features. The Firefox add-on is excellent.

televisionman 13 лет назад

Sitemark.com - social bookmarking website with a nice layout. visually appealing. links can be put into folders, rated, and tagged.

televisionman 13 лет назад

Startaid.com - Very detailed but very clunky social bookmarking service.

televisionman 13 лет назад

Flinkin.com - a social bookmarking site where links can be stored into folders using a bookmarklet. link titles can't be edited. decent.

televisionman 13 лет назад

markme.me - a social bookmarking site. a basic bookmarklet dumps pages into your own page.

televisionman 13 лет назад

StumbleUpon.com - Not for bookmark organization. Good discovery engine with an excellent add-on. Attractive site.

televisionman 13 лет назад

Folkd.com - social bookmarking site with an average add-on. every link added to the site requires typing in a Captcha without Pro account.

televisionman 13 лет назад

Addthis.com - Now has a add-on for Firefox; It however only shares with one service that I've added a Stickr to so far.
