
Привет! Это страница пользователя Tara на Stickr.com

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I made the Stickr logo in Cinema 4D...didnt quite work as planned :(
The 'S' came out weird


14 лет назад

It was just a trial one. JamES do you have the proper vector image? This is the area I had troubles. Also, next time I will remove the grey box ;-)

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14 лет назад

Yes, I have. Please drop youe email in contact form or (''contact@stickr.com) and I will send vector format

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14 лет назад

stupid girl...


13 лет назад

Пользователь был заблокирован

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Alpha Male


14 лет назад

Little horseman...or horsedog ((((-:


13 лет назад

Пользователь был заблокирован

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This is clever!


14 лет назад

I personally found the streamies boring - but different strokes to different folks


14 лет назад

thats right ;-)

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Perth (City), Western Australia. This is where I live :-)


14 лет назад

Beautiful! I'll try and get a good pic of Seattle for you :D

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14 лет назад

Oh wow! Cant wait to see some pics...when you get time ofc ;-)

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@ PavelPavlov this is GIMP.
Great freeware Image manipulation software ;-)


14 лет назад

You can get alot of plug-ins, brushes, textures etc like Photoshop...its what I use when I havent got Photoshop installed. I really like the tools for rendering (like the colour to alpha feature) :-)

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