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Sooo sweet! Can you have these (slow loris) as pets in Russia?


13 лет назад

Какой лупоглазик %)

ещё 6 комментариев


13 лет назад

главное не стать таким же пучеглазым-) как это создание-)

important not to become as big-eyed -) as that animal-)

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My entry in this weeks GFX Battle....theme was winter sports and I couldnt think of anything good to do :[
I made some 3d text too....


13 лет назад

There is no especially good work at this week. Relax, don't worry, be happy %)

ещё 15 комментариев


13 лет назад

''@ Katrin Thanks so much ;-). I'll post again here in the morning :]

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Hey not nice :-O lol


13 лет назад

The 2 choice is than real man must to do =))

ещё 5 комментариев


13 лет назад

very nice :) manufacture director a man - 100%

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Make Google Translate beatbox! Go to Google Translate, copy/paste "pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk" (without the quotes). Select from German to German and hit "Listen"

lol...I wonder who found this out? Someone with too much time on their hands =D


13 лет назад

''Source Tom's Hardware Facebook page :D


13 лет назад

I did not think to put the link. Thanks to relort for doing it for us :] ''LINK

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''@ relort video of guy getting sucked into A-6 intruder engine....


13 лет назад

Old story but still really amazing. Longer video with more information ''HERE

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13 лет назад

Of course not :P

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