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Two awesome machines racing =D
(Bugatti Veyron Vs Eurofighter Typhoon) I love them both hehe


13 лет назад




13 лет назад

вау, очень захватывающее видео

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We’re not done yet, but Chrome OS is at the stage where we need feedback from real users. Some of the features of Chrome OS require new hardware, but we didn’t want to sell pre-beta computers. Instead we’re launching a pilot program where we will give test notebooks to qualified users, developers, schools and businesses. We're starting with the U.S. and will expand to other countries once we get the necessary certifications. To participate in the pilot program, visit the Chrome notebook website.

Google giving Chrome OS notebooks to developer, schools and businesses in Pilot. US only for now but is going to include other countries :]

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Cute :]


13 лет назад


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13 лет назад

Oh really? Im a single girl too...Tara (girls name) ;-) I have a feeling this isnt what you had in mind tho. How come you speak Portuguese but you have an indian email address? Im sorry, Im not interested in emailing strangers :] Please dont write this all over my stickrs anymore :]

edit -

''OMG! You really need to get a life....you write this (exact same thing) everywhere!!!

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IObit Game Booster 2.....
Shuts down unnecessary background and windows processes to speed up game playing (among other things)... :]


13 лет назад

Also, I forgot to mention....its Free ;-)

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13 лет назад

Sorry :[ Im a confusing person =D

I mean, I should have just written...

"or this is another option"

When I said "you", I didnt mean you personally, I meant anyone :]

Is this better? I think I confused myself now =D

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My best sign placement.....


13 лет назад

lol....so I will try to explain this...

A while ago at my friends site they had a 'Global Competition' - The aim was to put The letters "TPTB" and your username and take a picture. You can make the letters out of anything and put it anywhere in the world (we have members from all over the world) so it was quite interesting.

I won with this one ofc =D lol, the funny thing is that TPTB is a Games release group (file sharing) =D

More pics ''HERE

I think we should do something like this for Stickr ;-)

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13 лет назад

BTW this is NOT Photoshoped =D I nearly got into trouble doing this :[ I almost got caught lol

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Guess what this is???
( Hint: picture was taken in 1956....)


13 лет назад

Коробка какая-то =) Some kind of box =)

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13 лет назад

hahaha...OK I tell....

it's a hard disk drive... with 5 MB of storage o_O


'In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first 'SUPER' computer with a HDD. The HDD weighed over a ton and stored a 'whopping' 5 MB of data

:P lol

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