
Привет! Это страница пользователя Tara на Stickr.com

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Hello Peoples :P

I was just wondering......


13 лет назад

I have noticed the last few days it takes a very long time for the cursor to appear when trying to post Stickr's from external sites. :[

Anyone else having the same issues?

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13 лет назад

''@ Alex Thanks hun....one more thing I noticed (this may help), If I go to another tab and back, the cursor appears straight away. Take your time...I know you are busy ;-)

Its not a real problem, I just wanted to let you know and to see if others are having the same problem :]

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Perth man Joe Wooller gets (RFID) implant to get rid of keys and try to minimise the amount of clutter he would have in his pockets.....


13 лет назад

(See video on the link above)

Also, another video of the actual implant process ''HERE

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Epic Production By Sapporo :]
Combines live action, motion control, CG and matt painting.....


13 лет назад

nice video!!!


13 лет назад



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