Стикеры по тегу Government

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Sue Robinson | CIO Talk Network

With over 25 years as a specialist working in the IT Industry, Sue Robinson is the CIO, Head of IT for EMEA & Asia Pacific at Aspen.

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Suzette Kent | CIO Talk Network

Suzette Kent was appointed by President Trump as the Federal CIO in January of 2018. She joins the government from the private sector where she has been a global leader in large-scale business transformation for over 20 years.

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How is the Government Preparing to Defeat Global Cyber Crime?
Global cyber-crime is a nightmare that’s growing every day. Are governments equipped to fight this beast? Would they collaborate to get stronger, and how?

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How the Public Sector is Utilizing AI?
Can AI deliver the same benefits to public sector as it does for private firms? Can it help government entities with a better crisis-response? Learn how.

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Once landed into Cyprus you don't have to trust a taxi/goverment bus services etc., you can rent a car and drive yourselves. Renting a car is not very hard you can contact any car rental Cyprus company and get your desired car. All you have to do is just check the Cyprus driving rules.

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