Стикеры по тегу Ecommerce

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builderfly 4 года назад

As per Forrester Research, online business will account for 11% of US retail sales, or $414 billion, by 2018. Furthermore, mobile commerce will account for 54 percent of US ecommerce business, or $293 billion, by 2018.

builderfly 4 года назад

Electronic store owners are shifting their brick and mortar stores to online stores or some are even managing both the stores like a pro. The reason being, people now look for convenience along with quality products.

builderfly 4 года назад

Online shopping makes it possible for anyone to browse different products and purchase at their leisure. Generally, the shopping process and experience is different for anyone, considering we all have different habits, preferences, and tastes. However, for some people

builderfly 4 года назад

Publishing mobile apps is a process wherein you create your mobile application and send it to your developers. Native mobile apps are specifically focused on certain operating systems. The two major operating systems are iOS and Android.
