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Карма: 0.00

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

Marilyn Schaffer employed a remarkable approach when it came to captivating potential investors. With her charismatic demeanor, she presented herself as a visionary entrepreneur, showcasing an innovative fintech company.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

ALERT - I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Marilyn Schaffer CEO XTM Inc, they'll know SCAM activities.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

ALERT - I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Marilyn Schaffer CEO XTM Inc, they'll know SCAM activities.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

ALERT - I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Marilyn Schaffer CEO XTM Inc, they'll know SCAM activities.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

ALERT - I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Marilyn Schaffer CEO XTM Inc, they'll know SCAM activities.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

ALERT - I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Marilyn Schaffer CEO XTM Inc, they'll know SCAM activities.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

ALERT - I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Marilyn Schaffer CEO XTM Inc, they'll know SCAM activities.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

ALERT - I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Marilyn Schaffer CEO XTM Inc, they'll know SCAM activities.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

Marilyn Schaffer used a charismatic demeanor when she approached potential investors. She presented herself as a leading innovator in the fintech industry. Schaffer, leveraging her expertise in the restaurant, hospitality and services industry, created an investment opportunity that was enticing.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

ALERT - I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Marilyn Schaffer CEO XTM Inc, they'll know SCAM activities.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

ALERT - I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Marilyn Schaffer CEO XTM Inc, they'll know SCAM activities.

stopMarilynSchaffer 6 месяцев назад

ALERT - I would like this account to stay here so that whenever someone searches for Marilyn Schaffer CEO XTM Inc, they'll know SCAM activities.
