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Sophie Alex School of Dance is a school teaching dance with a friendly environment with high standards of teaching. We teach technique and discipline and build the confidence, help students perform better and get fitter. The progress of our students..

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The other day while I was scrolling through my social media feed, I saw this adorable video of a fairy looking kid dancing amazingly- our very own Ballet, I was so amazed that I decided to read more about kids ballet dance classes as this is trending almost everywhere.

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Even though there are a variety of dance styles including- classical dances, contemporary, jazz, hip hop, salsa, ballroom, etc., the grace, elegance, and sheer beauty of ballet still make it one of the most popular choices for kids dance classes.

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Sophie Alex School of Dance is a school teaching dance with a friendly environment with high standards of teaching. We teach technique and discipline and build the confidence

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Being a dancer is certainly not a bed of roses, you are more likely to get callous, sore feet at the end of the day, but you would not be bothered anymore with bruises once you will find your love for dancing.

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Dancing is no longer just confined to be a hobby. It has taken an all-new form of a profession. People prefer to be trained from certified professional dance classes rather than learning dance by themselves or through DIY videos. Dance has developed greatly over a period.

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