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Assetz Earth & Essence offers 3/4/5 bhk luxury row houses in Off Bangalore, International Airport Road that surrounded by nature to breathe fresh air and waking up to clear sunlight

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Assetz Marq Phase 2 offers ready-to-move 4/5 BHK luxury residential apartments in Whitefield, Bangalore that and has 80% Open Space in 22-Acre Township and all the major amenities to experience a luxurious lifestyle.

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Search homes India Pvt Ltd is the best real estate company in Bangalore that provides the best property service in different locations with financial support and muster guide to buy property according to the budgets of clients.

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Assetz Sun And Sanctum offer the best apartments in Bangalore that are spread across 4 acres with ~69% open space and a wide range of modern amenities to choose from and project designs for individualistic lifestyles.

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