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When Looking for Acoustic Consulting Services Call Valcoustics
Valcoustics Canada Ltd is a specialist in acoustic engineering services. Over the past 50 years, this firm has provided professional acoustic engineering services to clients. Get in touch with them today to find out how they can help.

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Whats Ground Borne Vibration?
Ground-borne vibration can be a cause of concern due to its potential impact on buildings in the area. Vibration monitoring companies can help in such circumstances.

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Professional Wind Farm Noise Measurement - Valcoustics Canada Ltd
If you are Looking for a professional Wind farm noise monitoring, then look no further Valcoustics Canada Ltd is providing modular solutions in Wind turbine noise assessment.

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Basics of Environmental Noise Impact Assessment
The primary goal of assessing the impact of environmental noise is to determine if there is anyone that might suffer from it. To this end, the source of the noise, both existing and potential, should be accurately identified.

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Combining ‘Open Concept’ Architecture and Acoustic Design
Except it doesn’t sound great. Such spaces are frequently designed without any input from acoustical consultants, often with troubling results. Visit for more info.

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Valcoustics Canada Ltd. offers Construction vibration monitoring services
Valcoustics Canada Ltd. provide Construction noise monitoring services. Which can help your project to reduce Noise and vibration and meet regulatory compliance. For more visit our website.

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The Cost of Not Including Acoustic Consultants in Building Design
Whether new construction or the renovation of an existing space, the quality of the sound will make a huge impact on the success of the business. This is why both noise and vibration monitoring are so important.

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How Vibration Monitoring Keeps Machinery in Good Shape
While the noise is annoying, the vibrations can cause damage. This is why many construction firms rely on noise and vibration consultants to identify potential problems before they turn into something big.

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Looking for Studio acoustic design - Valcoustics Canada Ltd
Valcoustics Canada Ltd. provides acoustic treatment for studios and theatres to create an appropriate acoustical environment within a specialized space. Visit our website for more info.

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Designing Spaces for Dramatic Performances
A good theatre acoustic design makes voices and music extremely crisp and clear. One of the primary reasons that some entertainment spaces do better than others comes down to the quality of the sound.

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