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Changelog for VirtualBox 4.0
VirtualBox 4.0.0 (released 2010-12-22)

VirtualBox 4.0.0 (released 2010-12-22)


13 лет назад

Dammit! I only just d/l V 3.2.12 today :( Just my luck. Thanks for the link though, I have this version now :]


13 лет назад

@Tara, Why do you use this program? what is your host system? and what is virtual?


13 лет назад

I have Windows 7 but I also want to run Linux on this laptop and dont really want to dual boot. So ''feniksa suggested I put Linux on virtualbox. This was a while ago and I only just got round to downloading it yesterday....twice it seems =D lol

Also, I am having huge problems with 2 Adobe programs (Illustrator and AE)....damn things wont run :( I thought maybe I can install them on virtualbox but then found out that AE wont run on linux :( Im very sad about this....its driving me mad. I have tried everything :(

I had Virtualbox a while ago but I never used it so I got rid of it. I hope this makes sense?


13 лет назад

for AE you can create another virtual machine with windows, and will you have windows in the windows


13 лет назад

Oh cool, so I can run another Version of Windows aswell as Linux on Virtualbox. rmaksim, if my host OS is 32bit, can I use 64bit on Virtualbox? I should be able to hey? Shame I cant sort this Adobe problem out another way though :( Thanks for helping me :]


13 лет назад

host OS is 32bit, 64bit on Virtualbox - on linux it works, on windows i don't know, maybe yes


13 лет назад

you should try to do it, then tell us ;)


13 лет назад

I think it probably would work...I will certainly try anyway :D and ofc I'll definitely let you know how it goes :]

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