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Quantedge Capital - Invest in the I Quant fund and get access to the Quant edge Global Fund, one of Bloomberg’s Top 5 Large Hedge Funds in 2014 and 2016 that was named Fund of the Year by Asia Hedge.

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Ternary Fund Management - Invest in a hedge fund that focuses on scarce real assets in sectors like nuclear, oil tankers, and specialty engineering. With the goal to grow the invested capital by 300%, get access to sectors that typically benefit from favorable supply-demand dynamics.

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Private Market Shares - Looking to diversify your portfolio beyond the public markets? Here's your chance! Learn about private equity and how it can help you get huge returns and divest your investments efficiently

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Global Macro Hedge Funds - Invest in the I Quant fund and get access to the Quant edge Global Fund, one of Bloomberg’s Top 5 Large Hedge Funds in 2014 and 2016 that was named Fund of the Year by Asia Hedge.

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Sunbelt Multifamily Fund - Invest in a real estate fund that has a diversified portfolio of US multifamily properties in growing markets with favorable economic trends. It takes advantage of the resilient performance of such real estate through multiple economic cycles.

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Mapletree Merit - A European commercial real estate fund designed for stable and resilient income, managed by Mapletree.

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