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OT Tables are also known as operating tables and use in operation theaters while OT Tables are having many features like height adjustment, head, and foot adjustment, or recliner features.

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Ultrasound has a thoughtful effect on the way medics can screen and identify health problems. For ages, it has been a shared tool used to track a lady’s prenatal period and determine any matters with unborn broods.

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A wireless Nurse call system has become vital in today’s world of healthcare. The Nurse call systems made today by the Nurse Call System Manufacturers are sophisticated and bid great support to patients.

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EMG (electromyography) accounts for the movement of our muscles. It is founded on the simple detail that whenever a muscle contracts, a spurt of electric activity is produced which spreads through adjacent tissue and bone and can be logged from neighboring skin parts. read more...

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Fetal monitoring is a procedure in which instruments are used to continuously record the heartbeat of the fetus and the contractions of the woman's uterus during labor. Visit us to know more detail about fetal monitor

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A stretcher is hospital equipment used for relocating patients who necessitate therapeutic care. A rudimentary kind (bed or litter) must be supported by two or more people.

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Ultrasound has a thoughtful effect on the way medics can screen and identify health problems. For ages, it has been a shared tool used to track a lady’s prenatal period and determine any matters with unborn broods.

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We offer a complete range of nurse call system dealers in India with Swiss quality for hospitals, clinics, and medical care facilities which have a wireless nurse call system, easy-to-install specifications and it doesn’t need any network or cabling.

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