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Now HERE's a Funeral home with a twist - David Morales Colon, 22, embalmed and mounted on his Honda CBR600F4i racing motorbike


14 лет назад

Good thing it was only for 3 days...that would be creepy otherwise :)


14 лет назад

I think it is creepy at even 3 seconds!


14 лет назад

very true :D


14 лет назад

I didn't realize that was a corpse until I read the fine print!


14 лет назад

ye stickr is pretty morbid this evening (Im also referring to above vid):D

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5 похожих стикеров

joeydiamond 14 лет назад

the free vers, is great, get the full-prog any way U Can!Pare this up with peerblock and U R good to go

joeydiamond 14 лет назад

Get THIS NOW and STOP the SNOOPERS in their TRACKS, TELLLLLL your friends, totaly safe and the best part is its FREE!

JamES 14 лет назад

Create a map with a marker and optional info window.

Create static image from google maps. Wizard

rmaksim 14 лет назад

The Longene is a free, open-source computer operating system kernel project intended to expand the Linux Kernel to be binary-compatible with applic...

Combined Windows & Linux

anonymous 14 лет назад

interface and different options....
Publisher: TonecPopularity:

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История действий

  • реакция like 07th Jun
  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 07th Jun
  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 07th Jun