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4 похожих стикера

trinya 14 лет назад

Laughter increases levels of a hormone called beta-endorphines (which elevates mood state) by 27% and increases human growth hormone by 87%. Human ...

People who laugh a lot are much healthier than those who don't.

nlnnet 14 лет назад

Men are still good for some things...

anonymous 14 лет назад

It's most of the way through the day and there are still no reviews other than Ashraf's.

Is GAOTD censoring all the other reviews?

anonymous 14 лет назад

Why hate Ashraf. If you don't like his reviews than just ignore them. There are some who would want to know someone elses opinions.

Самое интересное

История действий

  • оставил стикер 13th Apr