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Canada is looking for more migrants in 2022, this is the best time to consult an immigration company for your application. We are located in Abu Dhabi. Nexus Migration - Canada Immigration Specialist serves you the best migration service only for Canada. Start your application today.

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Nexus Migration - Canada Immigration Specialist serves you the best migration service only for Canada. Start your application today. Canada is looking for more migrants in 2022, this is the best time to consult an immigration company for your application. We are located in Abu Dhabi.

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Canada makes use of English and French as its official languages. English language teaching in UAE starts from middle school and continues until the end of high school. Also, English language courses for students are easily available.

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Backed by the views of immigration experts, we suggest that the tiered visa system in UAE mostly favours temporary residence only. Whereas Canada permanent residency is always on offer for any eligible skilled worker including Nurses, Engineers, Architects,

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The United Arab of Emirates (UAE) comes fifth in the list of countries of residence for Canadian immigration candidates via Express Entry. For one, it busts a popular myth that Canada only attracts skilled workers from third-world countries.

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It is essential to know that the Canadian population of 20% does not follow any religion. Besides, they also recognize same-sex marriages and provide another layer of social acceptance in society.

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If you are interested in applying for a Canadian residency in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), you will be welcomed by diverse cultures, varying demographics, and people from similar origins.

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Dubai is one of the most progressive countries in the world. However, for people with various nationalities, a country like Canada may seem an ideal option for permanent residency.

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Are you looking to make a significant career move by getting a new job in Canada? Whether you're a young professional or a seasoned trade worker, Canada's job market caters to all types of workers, especially in 2022, when the country is recovering economically due to COVID-19.

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Nexus Migration is the No.1 Leading Immigration company in Dubai, whose focus is into converting Canada immigration applicants into Canadian permanent residents. We guarantees that each person's application is continually treated with the attention and priority it deserves.

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