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Seen this Easy A. Quite entertaining. Funny thing was, I thought Emma Stone (Olive) was the dude guy in Glee. There are resemblance I reckon


13 лет назад

dude guy ? did i say that ? correcting it - gay dude. Not even exact but close enough

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5 похожих стикеров

myworld2u 13 лет назад

Just saw this movie unfortunately the sound system at Selayang Capitol was bad. Dont know what to say if its good or bad

myworld2u 13 лет назад

Did this. But its not stickr friendly at all. All copy and paste JS scripts are rejected.

myworld2u 13 лет назад

Its nto sticking but i can see that there is a sticker sticked to it.. so what is this >>

Omich-kun 13 лет назад

I have ordered this great thing! ^_^


Tara 13 лет назад

Dogs are Awesome Too......

This is great! I love the trampoline boxer =D

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