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I've learned to like eBooks. I just wish that I could consolidate the notes I make on Kindle. Is that possible?


13 лет назад

It's too bad you can't stay on the site to be a part of the conversation

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5 похожих стикеров

FriedTechnology 13 лет назад

So does Stickr act like Delicious and rank sites that are "stickrd"?

myworld2u 13 лет назад

thou the jv player cant work but there are other js codes in here thats good. if i can make js work then it could work

myworld2u 13 лет назад

An online alternative to business cards. DropCard lets you create a virtual business card that can be quickly emailed to any email address using SMS.

Great place to learn and do of something new

This is drop card online

valiskster 13 лет назад

That's everything we ever new or achieved, the hugeness of mankind put into perspective. Carl Sagan said it best "like a mote of dust"

valiskster 13 лет назад

Felix warns: "The next Ice Age could begin any day. Next week, next month, next year...it's not a question of if, only when. One day you'll wa...

So now we have to worry about freezing now and not Global warming destroying us all.

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История действий

  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 21th Jan
  • оставил стикер 21th Jan