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Technology has transformed the face of the healthcare world, giving professionals a space to not just deliver care but personalize. Read more info on - https://ai-techpark.com/top-7-digital-patient-engagement-platforms-2023/

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Online shopping has become the standard for the holiday season as consumers scramble to make purchases, choose gifts, and ensure everything arrives in time and all wrapped up for gift-giving events.

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Attention is the scarcest resource in the boardroom, so to claim some, the conversation proffered had better concern something board members care about, such as risk, growth, innovation, or crisis. Read more on - https://ai-techpark.com/why-cloud-governance-belongs-in-the-boardroom/

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With the advent of technological innovations, it is a prerequisite for companies to stay at par with the latest developments.
Read more on - https://ai-techpark.com/aitech-interview-with-ed-szofer/

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AI and Robotics have changed the face of every industry; thus impacting our lives. Scroll through to know more! AI and

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Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI) is the largest independent third-party administrator (TPA) in the United States, providing innovative risk.read more - https://ai-techpark.com/ccmsi-saves-employers-300-million-in-workers-compensation-claims-with-ai/

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Prioritizing curiosity, customer success, and continuous learning to human-centered design and advanced AI drives transformations.
Curiosity gets one to ask several questions and further solve big problems.Read more at - https://ai-techpark.com/aitech-interview-with-dr-sanjay-rajagopalan/

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Learn why increasing diversity in AI development is crucial. This article explores the lack of inclusivity in tech, potential biases, and initiatives to promote diversity.
Read more - https://ai-techpark.com/increasing-diversity-and-inclusivity-in-ai-development-and-implementation/

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