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1. Could you share a bit about yourself and your career before Mapp?
I always loved tech, but more importantly the human aspects of technology
Read more info on - https://www.martechcube.com/martech-interview-with-ricardas-montvila/

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In this article, we have highlighted the importance and increased need for specialized revenue cycle management solutions in today’s

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Being connected to everything, all the time, is the biggest technological demand these days. Users seek out the latest in smart devices promising work productivity and entertainment connectivity 24/7.
Read more info on - https://ai-techpark.com/how-organizations-can-protect-against-new-iot-threats/

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If the CISO is considered an inward-facing resource only, your organization may be leaving some significant value on the table. Are there other roles as well?
Read more info on - https://ai-techpark.com/the-ciso-as-brand-enabler-customer-advocate-and-product-visionary/

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