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Once a technology enters our lives, it becomes impossible to imagine living without it. Read more on - https://ai-techpark.com/why-artificial-intelligence-is-becoming-a-must-have-for-remote-patient-monitoring/

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Many organisations are now recognising their current brand safety tools are not enough, and are turning instead to a blended approach to brand safety and suitability . Read more on - https://www.martechcube.com/the-true-cost-of-harmful-content/

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Over the years, programmatic advertising has become brands’ go-to technology to reach people with relevant messaging across channels and devices. Yet, it’s largely been powered by third-party cookies, which are falling out of favour as consumer privacy preferences continue to shift.

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The Internet has become a huge part of our lives. Today, many sensitive and private pieces of information are saved online and made available via the internet.

Read more on - https://ai-techpark.com/your-guide-to-network-security/

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Many enterprises are moving towards a cloud-based infrastructure. They are shifting their work via numerous providers to either private or public cloud systems.
Read more n - https://ai-techpark.com/importance-of-iam-in-cloud-security/

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Though many online marketplaces require merchants to upload only white background product images for standardization, brands do not have to follow this rule when managing their own ecommerce website or social media.

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