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Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) | LegalRaasta- ESIC is a self-financing social security and health insurance scheme which provides the medical benefit, etc. LegalRaasta can help you with ESI registration

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Trademark Registration | Register Trademark in India | LegalRaasta- Trademark Registration in India at places like Delhi, Gurgaon and other cities at best price. LegalRaasta is an online CA / agent to register trademark.

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Register Import Export Code online | Apply IEC | LegalRaasta- Register Import Export Code online in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida and other cities. LegalRaasta is online CA/CS agent for import export code application.

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Register Patent in India | Process | LegalRaasta- If you have something unique and you wanted to register patent on your name then LegalRaasta can easily help you with the of experts.

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MSME / SSI Registration | Online | Legalraasta- MSME registration or SSI registration is required to get loan, tenders and other tax benefits. LegalRaasta can help you get MSME / SSI certificate @ Rs.1999

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LLP Registration (Limited Liability Partnership) | LegalRaasta- LLP registration or LLP company registration at LegalRaasta and get dual advantage of both the company and partnership. Simple process with 40% savings.

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Register ISO | Online Process | LegalRaasta, ISO is an overall federation of national standards bodies from every country. You can register ISO through LegalRaasta with the help of experts.

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FSSAI License| Food License Online consultant | LegalRaasta- FSSAI is mandatory for starting a food business. Get FSSAI registration online in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Bangalore, Mumbai & other cities - LegalRaasta.

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Bulk return filing for corporate and Cas | File return for all company employees - Online income tax return filing for mutiple employees at once. TaxRaahi serves several corporates and Cas in offering bulk return filing service

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Easily file ITR return for income from business or professional | Professionals- Freelancers or businessmen can file ITR return, Online filing of tax return for income from business (ITR-4).

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