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Medical System’s SSO Implementation Allows for User Impersonation: A High-Risk Vulnerability
Learn about the high-risk user impersonation vulnerability in a Medical System's SSO implementation – potential impact & recommended measures for application security.

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How to Disable Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor
EDR solutions and specifically CrowdStrike Falcon are giving us a hard time recently. We ended up with 3 new techniques for CrowdStrike bypass that force blue-teams (and CrowdStrike) to re-think some of their current detection and mitigation tactics.

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Pen Test Consultation
Looking for expert pen testing services? Komodo Consulting provides top-notch pen test consultation to ensure your business is secure. Contact us now!

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How Komodo Ranger DAST Tool Enhances Threat Detection and Response
Discover how Komodo Ranger DAST tool provides an integrated approach to threat detection and response, through its comprehensive features, scalability, and ease of use.

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Breaking the Barrier: How Attackers can Bypass 2FA in Backoffice Login and Ways to Fix It
Learn how attackers bypass 2FA in back-office login, fix it by enforcing backend 2FA authentication. Importance of security assessment and researcher role in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities.

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Komodo Consulting is a leading Penetration Testing consulting firm that specializes in providing top-notch security solutions to businesses.

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What is the Value of Penetration Testing and What to Look for in Pen Testing Companies
Among the best pen testing companies is Komodo Consulting that protects your APIs, web and mobile applications. We are a high-end pen testing company that specializes in application and infrastructure security.

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Red Teaming Cyber Security
At Komodo Security, we have years of experience in Red Teaming Cyber Security. Our team of experts uses a variety of techniques and tools to simulate real-world attacks and provide detailed reports on the findings.

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Vulnerability Assessment vs Penetration Testing
Learn about the difference between Vulnerability Assessment vs Penetration Testing – their benefits and drawbacks. Which one to choose when for your system’s security.

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