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Присоединяйся к сети Stickr, чтобы следить за стикерами пользователя jQuery и других пользователей, а также оставлять свои.


e jQuery documentation is great, very complete, nicely written and with a lot of examples and demos. The only thing that bugs me is the way we have to find the right documentation for what we search for. Try to search for the .is() function for example. Over 100 matches before the actual function I am looking for?!*) And it is a fixed layout which means even on my big screen I have to scroll all the way down and have to scan for it. There have to be a better way, obviously.

jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation - For Version 1.4.1

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История действий

  • реакция like 20th May
  • оставил стикер 04th Feb