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5G service rollout likely in August-September
The commercial rollout of 5G services could be expected from August-September 2022 onwards.-IAS SCORE

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India’s Species Threat Abatement and Restoration (STAR) score.
According to a new study, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka host a large share of India’s threatened and endemic species of amphibians, birds and mammals.-IAS SCORE

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MHA to introduce changes in Civil Registration System (CRS)
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has decided to introduce changes in the Civil Registration System (CRS) in India.-IAS SCORE

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India’s position on the World Press Freedom Index
India’s ranking in the 2022 World Press Freedom Index has fallen to 150 out of 180 countries, according to the latest report released by the global media watchdog, Reporters Without Borders (RSF).-IAS SCORE

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New 3D printed gloves
Researchers at Indian Institute of Science (IISc.) have developed customisable, 3D printed gloves can be remotely controlled, opening up the possibility of tele-consultation by physiotherapists.-IAS SCORE

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Fourth edition of the International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
Recently, the Prime Minister addressed the inaugural session of 4th edition of International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (ICDRI) through video conference.-IAS SCORE

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Front of Package Labelling (FoPL) system of FSSAI
With the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India set to implement front-of-pack labelling to discourage consumers from buying packaged foods high in sugar, salt, and fats,.-IAS SCORE

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New insights into the evolution of galaxies
Recently a new study has shown that even a relatively weak jet from a supermassive black hole can clear the nuclear region of the galaxy of its gas, indicating that they may be playing an essential role in the evolution of their host galaxies.

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India consciously adopted a version of federalism that made the Union government and State governments interdependent on each other (latter more vis

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